Donnerstag, 15. Dezember 2005

Dia de la Virgen de Guadalupe

Hello everybody!

I'm really sorry for not updating my homepage, but I have to admit, that in the last days I couldn't even think of doing it.
There are so many things going on, it is incredible! Furthermore my host family has refused to pay the internet, so I had to go to an internet café for the last 4 weeks. Not that it would be that expensive here in Mexiko, but if you go there like everyday.... that's getting expensive!
Ok, on Monday the 12th of December the Mexicans celebrated the "Dia de la Virgen de Guadalupe" and they were celebrating huge parties on the strees for one week. The women and little girls all dressed up in their traditional dress and the little boys with their "ponchos". In the small villages they were building some drawings on the street with little peaces of wood and colours and put some altars in front of their houses.
It took me to build one of these pictures in a small town near Zamora with a friend I visited there. It took us like 2 hours to bild the cup with the hostie above, and all the childeren who lived in this street where helping us.
It was really an amazing experience. In the night the the children where dancing on the street in circles of the pictures and there was a huge car with the virgen and some angels.
After that we went into town and ot the main place where we had dinner. Afterwards we visited a friend of mine who is working in a cafe like oriental style, where everybody is seated on the floor or on cushions and it is really cool. They have like a back room with seat bags wich you can rent and whach videos or wathever you want...
Ok, I try to send you some pictures of this day.
I'll report all the news as soon as possible to you. Take care everybody. Many kisses and carpe diem. Christiane
stephanie around the world - 18. Dez, 12:30

Merry Christmas!! ( =

hi suesse, ich wuensch dir ein wunderschoenes weihnachtsfest und einen guten rutsch ins neue jahr! hope to hear from you soon via email *gg*
take care und carpe diem
denk an dich, big hug for my mexicangirl yours philippinogirl

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stephanie around the world - 18. Dez, 12:30
Dia de la Virgen de Guadalupe
Hello everybody! I'm really sorry for not updating...
mexicanchristl - 15. Dez, 02:48





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